Saturday, February 23, 2013

Red Velvet Devil

When I was a kid, my grandmother would always make all of her grandchildren their own red velvet cake for their birthday. She called it "Waldorf-Astoria cake" and we could choose if we wanted to keep it all for ourselves or if we wanted to share with family and friends. We can all guess what I chose to do (hint: if you guessed share, you guessed wrong)

Naturally, when I came across this recipe while pinning like a mad woman one day, it made me nostalgic and I told Danny we had to try it. Lucky for us I had friends coming over for Superbowl Sunday, so we had somewhat of a reason to make something so dangerously delicious.

The recipe can be found at the original website, so I'll spare you the repetition. Besides, I want miss to get all of her due credit, for both the trifle and the blog name. All you need to know is the trifle came out amazing and it was a huge hit with my friends. It also made A LOT of trifle, so much so that Danny and I had it for the rest of the week with Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia, which complimented it well.

Red Velvet Trifle #1 in a Pyrex mixing bowl
Last weekend was my coworker's 30th birthday. Being the new kid at the office, I thought I would get in good with the crew and offer to re-create the trifle to celebrate during group supervision the next week. Monday being a holiday (President's day, or, Naughty Chicken day), I enlisted Danny to help (read: make) the trifle again. What we had at my apartment:
  • flour
  • sugar
  • red food coloring
  • cocoa powder
  • 10x sugar (or confectonary sugar, for all you non-professionals like myself out there)
  • baking soda
  • baking powder
  • white vinegar
  • butter (well... margerine)
What we needed to get to re-create the masterpiece:
  • heavy cream
  • eggs
  • marsacpone cheese
  • cream cheese
  • new trifle dish
The last one on the list was the most important, and I had a feeling I knew where we could find one. Maybe it was because this song has been playing non-stop and always makes me want to go to Goodwill, but I felt like we'd hit it big digging through the donations at our local store. The first location was a bust, but on our second try we found a beautiful, slightly dusty, glass trifle dish for $2.99. In the words of Macklemore, "savin' my money and I'm hella happy, that's a bargain."

Being poor, we decided to take fatgirlskinnybody's advice and sub the marscapone for all cream cheese. We also added cocoa powder to the cream cheese whipped cream and changed the chocolate ganache to white chocolate ganache, mainly because we forgot to get actual chocolate. All in all, though, it worked out pretty well. I even made the cake this time, and it didn't catch or fire or implode or anything!

PicStitch is my favorite. Also, note the trifle dish. Thank you, Goodwill!

My coworkers thoroughly enjoyed it. Danny assembled it, which is why it looks a Hell of a lot more professional than my Pyrex one, and we also added some Oreo cookie crumbles between the layers instead of chocolate chips. All in all, very successful, and definitely a devil of a dessert.
If anyone actually reads this and wants to try the recipe, let us know how it goes! Don't be afraid to get a little creative when you're in a crunch. Trust me, you won't be disappointed.
Completely unrelated, I leave you with this video of Janie Cutler kicking ass on Britain's Got Talent. If I'm half as awesome as this lady when I'm half as old, my life will be complete. Besides, she's singing Edith Piaf. Can't get any better than that.
Peace, Blessings and Butter
Brooke and Danny 

1 comment:

  1. Please alert your friend Macklemore that the words have been changed. We now say "$20 in my wallet" because that is where Katherine keeps her money, and end each chorus with a rousing "This is... KING AWESOME!" Because, you know, swear words are bad and stuff.
