Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Food Porn at it's Finest

I am an active Instagrammer.

Social Media in general is something I've become pretty savvy in. Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, all well-walked avenues I utilize to let those who care and many more who don't know about my day-to-day life. But when I became the proud owner of a smartphone (read: not iPhone), Instagram and I became fast friends.

There is a saying that goes "if you ate a meal and didn't Instagram it, did you really eat the meal at all?" No, my friends. You did not. I post pictures of just about everything I put into my body. Why? To start, the filters usually make whatever random concoction of kitchen leftovers I have thrown together actually look edible. It wasn't until I met my boyfriend, a professionally trained chef, that I became fully aware of how beautiful food can be. From eggs Benedict to chocolate dipped strawberries and brie to hand rolled chocolate truffles, he makes sure every meal is plated to perfection even if it's just breakfast for me to devour before work. After three months of watching him create delicious art and taking pictures before destroying his hard work with my ravenous appetite, I proposed the idea of making a food blog to share with the rest of the world.

I am well aware... there are zillions of blogs out there probably just like this; two people fall in love and make a lot of really delicious food and think "hey! Let's be super original and cute and post pictures on yet another social media site for others to be jealous of!"

We are obnoxious. It's okay, we know.

All that aside, I must say that in the three months I have known this amazing man, I have not only learned some important life skills like love, trust, and how to be with someone in a fully functional capacity, I have also learned some pretty cool stuff in the kitchen. For example... how many of you have actually attempted to crack an egg with one hand? Anyone? This is a skill I did not know I possessed until I was taught, despite his belief that it couldn't be done. Or that chicken shouldn't be cooked with salt EVER because it dries it out? I wish my mother knew that one growing up.

We're cute. We're happy. We're trying something new. Read or don't, we don't really give a shit. If you decide to stick around, than welcome! We hope you enjoy your stay, and that you pick up some useful information about love, life, and the pursuit of delicious food along the way.

Peace and Blessings (and butter... lots of butter)

                                                          Brooke and Danny

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