Sunday, June 16, 2013

Hiatus - OVER

Hello my (non-existant except for two) followers!!

I apologize for the lapse in posts... it's been a crazy couple of months! Probably the biggest things that's changed is that Danny and I have officially moved in together! It's very exciting and we couldn't be happier. Who wouldn't want to wake up to this face every morning?

I know, I'm a lucky woman.
Some other big changes in our lives include a new job for Danny as a General Manager of a local restaurant, the perfect next step towards owning his own place someday, a raise at my job, and celebrating our 6th month anniversary with VIP passes to Jazzfest earlier this month. (GM work perk... can't complain.)
I have also become involved in couponing. Not quite extreme coupon status, but we did save $57 dollars on our grocery bill this week, and that was pretty exciting.
One thing that hasn't changed, despite our busy schedules and the ins and outs of every day life, is the food. Whenever we can, we still like to get in the kitchen and make something yummy with or for each other. Clearly, when Danny cooks it's magic, but I've actually managed to make something he can't get enough of; Taco Pie, a recipe from my Momma's kitchen that I took with me to college. More on that later... for now - PHOTO MONTAGE!
Pan-seared salmon with angel hair, pea puree and cheddar cheese.
Roasted golden potatoes and green beans topped with medium rare thick and juicy steak and aged Cabot Cheddar cheese.
(This was a favorite!) Roasted corn and sweet potato soup with homemade croutons garnished with cool cucumber.
And lastly, pan-seared scallops topped with basil ribbons with mango salsa and cauliflower puree. Reminiscent of the first meal Danny ever cooked for me, so it holds a special place in my heart.
Tonight's menu is Surf and Turf... stay tuned for sad pre-boiled lobster pictures.
Peace, love and butter-
Brooke and Danny

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