Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Run For Your Life (AKA Look Good Naked Plan)

This past weekend, Danny and I traveled to the beautiful town of Dover, New Hampshire, to visit my dear friend Amanda (aka Manner, co-author of this blog and my proverbial partner-in-crime) for a couple of days. After we both finished work on Friday evening, we fueled up with some gummy bears and Starbucks and hit the highway.

We rolled up to Amanda's split-level condo which she shares with a 6-year-old girl and her crazy, alcoholic mother around 10pm, far too late to make any kind of snack besides chips and salsa. And V8 Fusion juice. Which we killed a gallon of very, very fast.

The next morning, Amanda, her sister and I completed the Smuttynose Palooza 5K. Danny, being the wonderful piece of man that he is, came along to be our designated bag holder and photographer. Here we are, enjoying our orange outfits and my post-race Smuttynose with big, happy smiles.
Nothing like a beer at 10am to start your day off right.
Danny's excellent photography skills as
I cross the finish line
Me, being the meat in a St. Martin Sandwich.

The Coup de Gracy of all photographs. I'm so happy this moment was captured for these two wonderful women!

I have officially termed this race as the first day of training for my second half-marathon, which will take place on September 7th in Manchester, Vermont. Amanda, the one with her arms up in the triumphant stance, will be my support team, but this time I'm sure she will have Danny's company as I destroy my body again.
I was going to post about the incredible creme brulee Danny made Amanda and I the next day after discovering Amanda's weakness for caramel, but I am exhausted from spending my day on the road for work and want to fully focus on watching Hoarders. So, another post for another day. Not that anyone reads this anyway. Right?
(Psssst! Prove me wrong, people! Comment! Comment! Comment!)
-Peace, Blessings and Butter-
Brooke and Danny

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Wanna Be KKD

Today is Town Meeting day here in Vermont. This means that all around the state, businesses and schools are shut down to ensure the inhabitants of the towns are able to vote on the important issues pertaining to school board related politics and other politicky... things. (Okay, okay... I don't really know what people vote on during Town Meeting day.) Most people will head to the polls and submit their magical ballot, then return home to enjoy this freak day off at the beginning of their work week. I just enjoyed it from the beginning of my day, which started around 10am after Danny and I woke from our respective comas and decided, as always, on what to eat.

After a shower, Danny got himself in the kitchen and whipped up the home-grown version of our fair city's most famous 2am college kid snack, the Kountry Kart Deli Rise and Shiner , a staple snack for anyone who has ever braved the walk back "up the hill" to UVM campus after a night downtown. This delicious treat starts with a large (12in) or small (bulkie roll) with your choice of bacon, ham, pork roll or sausage. If you want to get really creative, the fine folks at KKD will let you mix and match other types of protein, but why mess with perfection? After you've chosen the size and the meat, they slap it all together with a big, greasy, golden hash brown, some american cheese and a fried - not scrambled - egg. I cannot even begin to tell you how many large Rise and Shiners with bacon accompanied me back "up the hill" at 2:30am, yolk and grease dripping down my chin onto whatever outfit I'd carefully chosen to biddy it up in that night (read: flannel shirt and snow boots... I am a Northern girl, after all!)

To create this at-home masterpiece, we started with fresh 12" Koffee Kup Bakery Grinder rolls, Cabot butter and Cabot Cheddar cheese, frozen sausage patties (small... like half-dollar sized) a potato (for hash browns) and four eggs. Danny melted some butter in a hot skillet and fried up the sausage nice and juicy. 
Then, he grated a raw potato and formed it into patties, cooked it up and let it starch-i-fy into homemade bundles of buttery, greasy, crunchy goodness. He let these drain while he crisped up the rolls, then fried the eggs over-medium, so they were just runny but didn't make the sandwich a hot, soggy mess. 
He just loves it when I take pictures of him.
While all this went on, I ground up some espresso beans and used my Melitta to drip some jet-fuel coffee. Danny assembled the greasy, crunchy, sausag-y deliciousness into our version of Rise and Shiners, which I have termed Good Mornings so we avoid any kind of unintentional copyright infringement.

The rest of our town meeting day has consisted of taking a trip to our local Plato's Closet and exchanging some clothes, then using the seventeen dollars they gave me for my clothes combined with my Four-Square check in to purchase a pair of twenty dollar boots for ONE DOLLAR. ONE. DOLLAR. If that's not a day-maker, I dont know what is.
Tonight, we're making tomato-free pizza for our friend while we acquaint ourselves with her apartment, seeing as we've decided to live together come June and she just happens to be moving out of her incredibly adorable and inexpensive one bedroom place at the same time. Divine sign? I think maybe.
For all those out there who might actually stumble upon this and maybe read it (maybe... please?) what is your favorite copy-cat dish to make? Let us know! We'd love to hear it!
Peace, Blessings and Butter:
Brooke and Danny